DIY beaded brooch

How to make the easy beaded brooch. 


Black felt (for foundation)

Beading needle

E6000 glue

Beading black thread

Seed beads

16 different beads

1 blue flat back bead


Brooch pin back

DIY beaded brooch (2)

Glue your  flat back bead to the middle of the beading foundation and wait at least 10-15 minutes for the glue to set. While you are waiting for the glue to dry, you can begin to decide the order in which you will sew the beads. Sew beads around the flat back bead. The second row of beads sew up first row. Then adding a third smaller circle on top to hold it in place.

DIY beaded brooch (3) DIY beaded brooch (4)DIY beaded brooch (5)DIY beaded brooch (6)

Cut from felt the backside of the brooch and sew a brooch pin back.

DIY beaded brooch (7)

Sew seed beads on the edge of the brooch.

DIY beaded brooch (1)DIY beaded brooch (8)

These beaded felt brooches are a small craft project that are fun and really simple to make.

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